Ps 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I have enjoyed, experienced, been pierced by, fought with, struggled in, at times avoided, been disarmed in, been freed in, given enlightenment in, and been swept away once again by saying "yes" to God in the secret place: in my personal times of prayer with the God of the Universe, Jesus the lover of our souls and friend, and Holy Spirit, the comforter, helper, and guide. It is the place where man can be disarmed from inner battles or offense of any kind and receive and just be held in the intimate place of God. It is the place where man can gaze on the face of the One who dreamt about us, created us, loves us, and enjoys us. It is a very special place for me, and for many, now and throughout history.
I just want to post this, because even though there is so much I have gotten to see and do here, this still remains the most important activity and place to me, even when I feel I neglect it, it still is always in my heart and my mind. My heart is pierced by this calling of intimacy with God and I thank God for that, because the Secret Place always calls me back, it always finds me, and when I sit in my room and sit, pray, and wait, I find it too, because I find Him.
Anyone can find Him, when they seek Him with all their heart.
Blessings on you and your day
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